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A Brief History of the club

The roots of Nantwich Lawn Tennis Club stretch back to 1890 when it first established itself near Millstone Lane in Nantwich. Over the years, the club underwent several transformations, each contributing to its rich legacy.

Heathfield House Era (1926–1985) Photos

  • In 1926, the club relocated to a site adjacent to Heathfield House. Here, players enjoyed three grass courts, two grey shale courts, and a charming wooden pavilion.
  • The playing season spanned from mid-April to the end of September. Despite limited facilities, the club maintained a steady membership.
  • Notably, the Ladies first team emerged as a formidable force during this period.
  • Unfortunately, by the close of the 1985 season, circumstances necessitated a move away from Heathfield House.

Transition Years (1986–1987) Photos

  • In 1986, the club found itself without permanent facilities. It temporarily utilized two courts on the King George V playing fields near Queens Park in Crewe.
  • The turning point came when Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council offered the present site at Alvaston, known as Windy Arbour.
  • However, financial constraints posed a challenge. Fundraising efforts rallied support from various quarters, including grants from The Sports Council, Nantwich Town Council, and the Cheshire Playing Fields Association.
  • Local businesses and individuals also contributed, ensuring the survival of Nantwich Lawn Tennis Club at its new location.

The Alvaston Era (1987–Present) Photos

  • At Alvaston, the club constructed four hard courts at a cost of £27,618.
  • A modest wooden clubhouse and essential utilities were put in place.
  • On May 8th, 1987, the courts saw their first action, marked by an official opening ceremony attended by the Mayor of Nantwich.
  • Over time, basic floodlighting was added to Courts 1 and 2 (1988), followed by Courts 3 and 4 a few years later.
  • By the mid-nineties, improved club finances and growing membership allowed for the construction of Courts 5 and 6, surfaced with tiger turf and equipped with high-quality floodlighting on all 6 courts.
  • Recently the hard court floodlights were upgraded to low energy LED lights to improve visibility and reduce electricity costs.

And so, Nantwich Lawn Tennis Club continues to thrive, weaving together its past, present, and future on the courts of Alvaston.