Book a court


The club has thriving adult and junior membership and operates a broad range of activities for all. Our membership year runs from April to March and members are entitled to access the club facilities, events and activities, including club and district team competitions. All members have the use of our 6 tennis courts with free floodlights and adults can also participate in summer and winter team tennis, regular club nights all year and a broad adult coaching programme (extra fees payable to coach).

Courts can be booked on-line up to 1 week in advance. There is no additional charge for the use of courts or flood lights.

Junior members (age 16 and under on 1 January) can book courts through their parent or guardian.

Membership Fees


Age over 16 on 1 January


per annum


Age over 16 on 1 January, with valid student ID


per annum


Age 16 and under on 1 January


per annum

Parent of Mini Juniors

Child age 8 and under on 1 January


per annum

Family membership

50% of junior membership for each child


per annum

Non-playing adult or Parent

Perfect if you are accompanying your child


per annum

* If a parent takes out an Adult membership, then a Mini Junior membership is free.

Adult subscriptions paid before the 31st March will receive the Early Bird discount of £10 per adult. This discount also applies to the 2 adults in a family membership.

Guests are welcome to play at the club with an adult playing member, for up to a maximum of 3 times. Thereafter we request they become a member. Guest court fee is £5.00 per session (prior to playing).

For further details about joining please contact us or email:

Membership at Nantwich Tennis Club


The club mainly uses Spond (available through Google and Apple app stores) to communicate with members. Here you will be notified of events, club activities and other relevant news. Upon joining, new members will receive details of how to join the Spond group in their welcome email.

Booking courts

A free Clubspark (LTA) account is needed for booking courts. New members will automatically be added to the Clubspark web site upon joining. You will then receive an email from Clubspark with details of how to create an account.